FAQ for BubbleBlastSolutions.com

Why do I need an account to add a solution?

By making account creation mandatory prior to adding a solution, this deters those who may want to add multitudes of fake or non-working solutions. This, hopefully, promotes quality solutions on all levels.

A user is making a lot of non-working solutions or claiming fake scores. What can I do?

If the user has made only a few bad solutions, simply report those solutions and they will be dealt with. If the user is making many (i.e. dozens) of bad solutions, please contact us and we will deal with it as soon as possible.

I found a bug. What do?

Please contact us and we will deal with it as soon as possible.

Can Bubble Blast 2 Solutions make me an allstar at Bubble Blast 2?

Yes. Yes it can.

Are you officially affiliated with Bubble Blast 2 or the makers of Bubble Blast 2?

Nope. Not one bit. This is just a site that was set up by a fan of the game to help other fans of the game.